Sunline Invited as Regular Guest to Share Insights in Money20/20 Conferences
Sizzling News

Money20/20, founded in 2011, is an annual global Fintech conference where the world’s leaders come together to network and connect over critical developments that shapes the future of the Financial Industry. The event brings together handpicked industry leaders with visions and innovative thinking to curate an agenda covering the must-know topics with applicable case-studies, spanning from Fintechs, payments and financial services. As a global leader in financial technology service provider, Sunline has been regularly invited to share their insights about the industry in recent Money20/20 conferences.

As one of the few international companies providing comprehensive financial IT solutions, Sunline not only leads by their independently researched and developed core banking systems, but also digital banking, big data and risk management. It is the only listed banking IT service provider in Asia Pacific recognized by well-known third-party analyst IDC. Since 2016, Sunline has exerted its reach outside of China and established cooperative relationships with financial institutions in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and United Arab Emirates.


Matthew Chen (third from left) at ‘Wake up with the CEOs’ panel discussion session in Money 20/20 China 2018


Matthew Chen speaking about ‘The Platform Ecology Trifecta’ in Money 20/20 Asia 2019


Matthew Chen (first from right) at ‘The Tech Giants from China, Scaling International’ panel discussion session in Money 20/20 Asia 2019

Money20/20's matured conference in the United States and Europe are well-known for their high-impact communication networks and are considered a few of the industry events not to be missed. Sunline’s initial participation in Money 20/20 series was in Hangzhou last year, Money 20/20’s first conference in China. The company was then invited to Money20/20 Asia in Singapore in March and will also participate in Money 20/20 Europe in June and Money 20/20 China in December this year. As one of the pioneers who have grown with the wave of digital transformation in China, Sunline has invaluable information and insights about its experiences. Matthew Chen, CEO of Sunline’s Overseas Business, has been promoted as a regular guest speaker who represents Sunline for Money 20/20 conferences. 

Let’s spread China's financial technology globally
Sunline can empower your digital transformation