Sunline Won Huawei's "Kunpeng High Flying Award for Computing Business" Award for Two Consecutive Years
Sizzling News

The first Huawei Partner & Developer Conference 2022 with the theme of "Born by Gathering, For What You Can Do" was a hybrid forum gathering partners and global developers to seize new digital opportunities and win in the future era of digital intelligence. As a partner of Huawei, Sunline was invited to attend the conference attend and was once again awarded the "Kunpeng High Flying Award for Computing Business" and "Smart Data Outstanding Contribution Award" accolades.

As a digital pioneer and leader in the financial field, Sunline has joined the Huawei’s openGauss community and Euler’s open-source community, deepening the collaboration of Huawei Cloud’s ecosystem through the full integration with Kunpeng Taishan server and Huawei GaussDB.

The collaboration between Sunline and Huawei has entered an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging development stage, with two-wheel drive and full-stack integration in domestic and foreign markets. At present, multiple solutions such as the full-stack distributed core banking system and financial integration data warehouse based on the Kunpeng ecosystem have been launched one after another, and have been rapidly promoted and implemented in many domestic financial institutions such as joint-stock banks and city commercial banks. At the same time, both parties have also actively collaborated to export China's smart financial capabilities overseas, and released joint digital banking solutions to continue to contribute to the digital transformation of the global financial industry.

In the future, Sunline will continue to deepen enterprise digitalization, build strong capabilities, continuously innovate, explore and practice technological innovation, and collaborate with more ecological partners such as Huawei to carry out multi-dimensional and multi-angle cooperation to further strengthen the ecosystem.

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