Sunline won "Financial Technology Development Awards" hosted by the People's Bank of China and the Securities and Futures Commission
Sizzling News

Sunline's in -depth Joint -Stock Business Banking Project has won the Fintech Award


Recently, the "Financial Technology Development Awards" hosted by the People's Bank of China and the Securities and Futures Commission was announced. A domestic shareholding bank audit and supervision of the Huiyan Platform Project won the second prize!


The "Financial Technology Development Award" is the only ministerial science and technology award in the domestic financial industry. As one of the contractors of the award -winning project, Sunline’s participation in the development and implementation of auditing data markets, auditing clues models, smart auditing portraits, as well as smart transformation helped the bank achieve high-quality development.


In recent years, the joint -stock bank has attached great importance to the digital transformation work of auditing and supervision, with intelligent system construction and tool innovation as an important starting point. In 2018, it officially launched the planning and design of the audit and supervision of the Huiyan platform. After 4 years of polishing and quenching,  a new iteration from a single portrait perspective from a single portrait to a multi -dimensional intelligent audit portrait perspective is achieved


Smart audit portraits are spread out in "face", and the overall situation of the entire bank is highly summarized, presenting multi -dimensional portrait information such as "institutional perspective", "employee perspective", "IT perspective", "visual angle", "retail perspective"; Big data, artificial intelligence technology and algorithms have built the industry's first audit portrait application, supporting users to carry out index analysis modeling, and assisted the formation of systematic reports to enhance continuous tracking and dynamic review capabilities. Through the construction of the project, the audit portrait application of the joint -stock bank has been accelerated from traditional auditing models to the new model of continuous audit.


Since the beginning of 2018, the results of the projects jointly built by Sunline and the joint -stock bank have gained a lot of achievements. They have won a total of 7 "Financial Technology Development Awards" hosted by the People's Bank of China and the Securities Regulatory Commission, covering the core, risk control, finance and other different differences In the field, 4 of them are deeply involved in Sunline Big Data Risk Team. The award demonstrates the innovative results of Sunline and the joint -stock bank in the field of financial risks, and fully demonstrate the in -depth insights of the two parties based on the practice of continuous audit and smart auditing.


In the future, Sunline hopes that in the field of compliance auditing and risk, it will continue to work with customers to expand more intelligent exploration and build a more intelligent platform. Under the wave of digital transformation of the overall industry, the supervision requirements of the outside world are greeted by the outside world. Protection and create more benchmarks in the industry!

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