Sunline Moves Towards the New Era of Industry and Technology Integration, Continuously Winning Bids for Credit Platform Projects
Sizzling News

Recently, Sunline has successively won the project for a ten-million retail credit system for a joint-stock bank as well as the credit management system projects for two provincial rural credit companies, realizing the transformation of credit products digitization, business process, business model innovation and scenario-based service upgrade with product innovation and risk control enhancements.

The banking industry is an industry with high degree of informatization, hence, to improve product launch efficiency, customer experience, precision marketing, and business scenarios, the system’s IT architecture must be flexible and open. Recently, most banks have realized that the construction of a credit system is no longer just the functional construction of a silo system, but the digital design of the whole process of industry technology that is driven by business, combined with domain modeling, supports efficient implementation technology, built on an enterprise-level architecture in the credit field and is able to realize the flexible integration of steady state and sensitive state through refined layered design. The powerful self-controllable distributed microservices platform should not only quickly realizes differentiated functional requirements, but also forms the bank's own business assets throughout the process, comprehensively improving the enterprise-level capabilities of business and technology to meet the differentiated needs of bank customers.

Sunline has been focusing on the credit field for 16 years. The new generation credit business platform is built on enterprise-level "competence center + microservices + componentization" architecture design, which is the next generation solution to banking business. Sunline’s platform is the optimal comprehensive scenario-based solution with rapid product innovation, business process management, highly intelligence, flexible architecture, as well as data, automation and digitization first, providing the cornerstone to support the long-term sustainable development of the credit business.

  • Through the enterprise architecture modeling method, the requirements of the business line are abstracted into various business components with capabilities covering all the business rules of the entire lifecycle of the credit business and are segmented into multiple groups according to the consideration of the reusability of the credit business functions.

  • The concept of the platform design is to quickly respond to the needs of various business lines, and at the same time, being able to coordinate with related systems in different sub-sectors in the industry and match business components according to the business rules in different stages of the entire life cycle of specific credit products to achieve credit the creation of products.

  • Credit business products are embedded into rich application scenarios through the orchestration of business process, transaction process and approval process.

  • Relying on an independent, secure, and reliable distributed architecture, the flexible business modeling system drives the splitting of microservices, realizing the combination of stable business development and the openness of the digital economy.

Based on years of experience in the industry, Sunline fully supports banks to provide more reasonable, practical and innovative integrated credit services through the two-way cooperation of business and technology, helping banks wave through the digital and intelligent future.

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