Sunline Invited to 2021 Asia Economic and Entrepreneurship Summit to Discuss on Challenges About the Digital Economy in Asia
Sizzling News

The 2021 Asia Economic and Entrepreneurship Summit is a leading regional economic forum organized annually by KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific, the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) and China Daily allowing Government, Business, Civil Society and Thought Leaders to discuss the key trends, strategic challenges and major issues impacting businesses and industries in Asia. 

With the pandemic causing tremendous disruptions across the Asia region, the rebuild of the new normal requires resilience, agility and adaptability as well as government support, with great focus on digitalization, technology and innovation. Building shared prosperity as well as sustainable and inclusive growth are the key challenges. As the leading financial technology service provider, Sunline was invited to join in the virtual panel discussion session represented by Matthew Chen, CEO of Sunline Holding to discuss the prospects for digitalization, the digital solutions for the new normal as well as how technologies like AI, blockchain, digital payments and Internet of Change impact on economic growth.

If you missed the pane session at 2021 Asia Economic and Entrepreneurship Summit on the Challenges of the Digital Economy in Asia, you can watch the full panel session below:



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